Monday, October 19, 2009

Recruitment - Lifestreaming made easy

We have talked about the importance of providing on the job videos to aide job seekers with better insight of what is to be expected of them at your company. Brand Flakes for Breakfast posted this camera on their blog that takes photos every 30 seconds, interacting with light and infrared sensors. What comes to mind is getting an employee's first hand view on the job, later editing it for recruitment use. What are your thoughts?

Monday, October 12, 2009

RECRUITMENT - Cutting our military friends a break

This is a powerful video for our military friends and family who are returning from battle and looking for a job or career.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

HR - Overqualified Need Not Apply

With the current recession, there have been several unemployed individuals seeking employment in positions that they are overqualified for. This is a great article that I found on talking about why these individuals might fit better in jobs other than their profession so that they are continually growing and learning, not becoming bored with skills they already have. - Overqualified Need Not Apply